
Media Coursework

23 April 2010

Aspects of my Images

Actor/s - Used Ashley Biglin for my first main image on the front cover but he was not available to take extra images so for my final product I used Dan Fields. Furthermore, to convey a rap style genre his short hair in contrast to Ashley's long hair was beneficial to my magazine.

Location - All images were taken against a blank wall as I knew that it would be easier to cut out the main image on Photoshop.

Costume - To convey a rap style, clothes were important so I included simple gangster style clothing; baggy jeans, plain white tee, black hoody. I also added earphones to represent music and a diamond watch and earring to represent bling.

Props - I included earphones and also money in one of my images. The money was thrown in the air to convey an idea that the rapper is living the luxurious and carefree lifestyle with a lot of money through his music.