
Media Coursework

28 September 2009

Conventions of a magazine front cover

The conventions of a magazine:
  • Big bold title - Tells the audience what its called, what type of magazine it is. Title must be easily recognisable.
  • Date - Usually in small print in the corner of the magazine or under the title.
  • Pictures - Main picture to go with main subject, 1 small picture somewhere else on the cover to go with a sub content.
  • Sub content titles - Seem to be grouped together on part of the front cover, a picture may accompany.
  • Main content - Includes a large image, the main focus when you look at the magazine, makes you want to buy it.
  • Colours - Show what is included in the magazine or the type of magazine. For example, dark colours are usually on a gaming magazine, bright colours on a tv magazine.
  • Barcode - The barcode is usually placed in the bottom left hand side of the magazine front cover.

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