
Media Coursework

18 October 2009

Beloit College Magazine

This college magazine has quite a simple front cover. The layout and colours are not complex. The masthead is written in a simple white font which makes it clear to the audience and stands out on the grey background.
The main image covers the full front cover as the background and is overlapped by several sub contents which are also written in simple white font.
The main image suggests that this magazine could be about science or that it might just be related to the main content included.
I think that by looking at this front cover, the magazine would be targeted at ages, 16-19 and maybe college students interested in science or taking science as a subject.
There is no barcode on the front which suggest that this magazine may be free.
The date is written in small font under the title although does not have the day or date, it is just the month and year. This may be because the producer of this magazine sees the day and date as irrelevant because of it being an internal college magazine.

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