
Media Coursework

12 October 2009

Target Audience - FourFourTwo and Match Magazine

The magazine I am going to create is a college magazine so therefore I am aiming it at those at college, aged 16-18 mainly but also for teachers who maybe enjoy wanting to know what's going on in the college.
The target audience is judged by the content of the magazine. For example, Match magazine is a football magazine aimed at younger children around ages 7-12. However FourFourTwo is also a football magazine but it is aimed at teenagers and adults. I can see this because of the text, font size, colours and pictures.
Match magazine has a quite a few colours on the front page. The font seems quite animated and there are a lot of pictures, some overlapping. There isn't that much text compared to other magazines.
FourFourTwo magazine has many different colours on the front cover. The red stands out on the grey background and unlike Match magazine; there are few images but a lot of text. The title font is simple but varies around the page. The main image covers part of the title maybe because of the popularity of the magazine the title does not need to be clear unlike a college magazine which may not be seen before by some people.

The images on Match Magazine all show players playing football which is what the magazine's theme is about. However, in FourFourTwo, the main image does not show someone playing football. I think that this may be to do with the age's targeted by the magazine.

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