
Media Coursework

11 November 2009

Conventions of a music magazine (NME)

Masthead - The masthead is overlapped by the main image of Lily Allen. NME magazine does not need to make the masthead completely clear as it is a well known and popular magazine. However, the parts of the masthead we can see, is very clear with a bold font and colour. It doesn't spread from one side to the other unlike other magazines.
Main Image - The main image is captured in relation to the sub-content titled next to the image. It portrays 'Lily Allen' as very pale and zombie-looking which relates to the title, "I can't keep on living like this, it's doing my head in" and "TAKES ON THE WORLD".
The date and price is written just under the left hand side of the title. It is written in a small font but it is usually relevant to the buyer so it is easy to find on the front cover. The barcode is only needed when purchasing the magazine and it is situated on the bottom right hand side of the cover. It is easy to find for the person selling the magazine.
Institution - NME magazine is a very popular and well-known music magazine. It also has a website and TV channel. Its purpose is to inform and entertain the readers and viewers of NME and to make money. The magazine and website contains reviews to provide info about celebrities and music. The TV channel contains adverts and the content is mainly entertainment.
Ideology - I think that by using the text used next to Lily Allen on the cover, NME might want to convey the image that she is famous and she is known worldwide, therefore 'taking on the world'. The image reflects off this by her looking as if she is exhausted and kind of fed up.
Audience - The audience of a magazine like this can vary depending on who is on the front cover. For example, if i saw this magazine with a band such as Paramore on the front, I probably wouldn't buy it. However, if someone such as Cheryl Cole or Kanye West was on the cover, I would buy it. I think this magazine can be aimed at a wide range of audience, possibly both males and females aged, 13-30.

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