
Media Coursework

10 November 2009

Conventions of a Music Magazine

Main Image - The camera shot of the main image can range from a close-up to a long shot. From looking at several music magazines, the camera shot of the main image can depend on whether a band is being shown or just a single artist. For example, in 'Hip-Hop Connection'magazine, A close-up image of Lil Wayne is shown. However, in 'Q'magazine, a medium shot of Coldplay is shown. The main image on the music magazine front cover is usually a well-known artist or band that will attract the audience to buy it because of the content relating to the image.

Sub Content - There is quite a lot of writing on the front cover of a music magazine. The text includes many names of bands and artists attracting the audience targeted. Furthermore, there's also text relating to the sub-content titled such as a quote from an interview, or attracting information which tempts the buyer further to purchase the magazine. The sub-content that is undoubtedly on every front cover of a music magazine is the names of popular and famous artists. If a reader likes the artist listed, they may buy the magazine.

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