
Media Coursework

9 November 2009


Language (Magazine Terminology)

  1. Masthead - This is usually quite large on the front cover. If it is a well - known magazine, it may be overlapped by the main image such as Four Four Two. It identifys the magazine and sometimes tells us what the magazine is about. However, if we did not know 'Q' magazine is a music magazine, we would not be able to tell by the masthead.
  2. Dateline - This is not usually relevant to the buyer of the magazine on the front cover. It is added in small text sometimes; under the masthead, next to the barcode, in the top hand corner of the cover.
  3. Content - Usually spread around the front cover around the image in different sizes or fonts depending on genre and style of magazine.
  4. Main Image - This represents the main story in the magazine and is sometimes manipulated or props included depending on what the magazine editors want to connotate.
  5. Colour Scheme - Either kept similar through each edition of the magazine to represent the magazine or changed in relation to what the magazine is connotating, for example - a lot of black on the cover would represent a gothic style.


  1. Create media texts - Such as the BBC
  2. Control language

Ideology (Ideas, Values, Beliefs)

  1. The values that the media text conveys - the ideas and beliefs of an image of someone who looks unhappy with a weapon would convey the image that they are dangerous.

Audience - can be classified as:

  1. age - range of ...
  2. wealth - how much money they have.
  3. occupation - type of job
  4. interests - possibly what kind of music they enjoy listening to etc
  5. groups - type of group they belong to such as 'chav'

Representations (how are groups/issues/individuals portrayed?)

  1. Representations convey on ideology - above^

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