
Media Coursework

26 March 2010

Audience Feedback 2

Lee Freer

1)What’s your first impression of my front cover?

2)What gender do you think my magazine is aimed at?

Male /


3) What age range do you think my magazine is aimed at?


15-25 /

25 +

Or specifically?

4)What genre of music do you think my magazine is aimed at?

5)Which part of my magazine do you like the most?
The model

6)Which part of my magazine do you think I could improve?
Hobbldy Gobbldyness of the Double Page Spread

7)What rating would you give each part of my magazine?

Front Cover Bad 1 2 3 4 5 6 Very Good

Contents Page Bad 1 2 3 4 5 6 Very Good

Double Page Spread Bad 1 2 3 4 5 6 Very Good

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